Creative Space Counselling with Halina Pytlasinska
Thame, Oxfordshire

Continuing Professional Development

How Climate Crisis Affects Your Practice

A workshop for counsellors and psychotherapists to address ecoanxiety. Even though all clients may not present with climate concerns, the ecological emergency is affecting all of humanity today and underlies individual problems. The 2021 IPCC Report states that it is code red for humanity. The scientific evidence is irrefutable. The BACP YouGov survey in 2020 showed that 55% of the population feel that climate change has impacted their mental health. The Bath University led global survey revealed that 59% of young people were extremely worried about climate change. 58% of people between the ages of 16-25 felt their government was betraying their generation in not doing enough to address environmental disaster.

Ecoanxiety incorporates an array of feelings, including shame, depression, grief and betrayal. It is not a syndrome, but a healthy response to global crisis that we need to validate as therapists.

We cannot address climate change as individuals. This overwhelming issue requires groupwork and collective response.

In the morning, we shall use self-compassion to address and understand our own ecoanxiety. Climate change is a relational issue. The white patriarchal system, splitting, shaming the body, disconnecting from and abusing the planet are all linked human activity. Colonialism is an inherent aspect of the human desire to dominate the Earth . Issues of racism are enmeshed with climate change. We will review decolonising therapy, deepen our understanding of our own trauma around racism and other forms of prejudice, and appraise our own relationship to the environment.

In the afternoon, we shall discuss a Model of Interbeing as a foundation for healing and growth. I created the model in response to my own eco-anxiety and desire to support clients. So far, psychotherapeutic models do not take account of our place on the Earth, within the biosphere and the family of all species.

The workshop will end with shared exploration on practical skills and strategies that we can use within the therapy room.

Halina Pytlasinska MBACP (Accred)

Since waking up to the climate crisis I have a passion to develop an eco-therapeutic vision. I am a member of the Climate Psychology Alliance and Extinction Rebellion. For the BACP I am helping to set up an Ecotherapy Community of Practice and an Eco Division for members to explore best practice around climate change and support each other with their own ecoanxiety. Within my own practice I have created a Model of Interbeing.

As an integrative, humanistic-transpersonal therapist in private practice, I deliver couples and individual work, clinical supervision, CPD workshops and workplace training. Since qualifying 30 years ago, I have worked for charities, universities and colleges as a counsellor, trainer and lecturer.


IPCC Report 2021

BACP and YouGov Mental Health Impact of Climate Change 2020

The study on Young People’s Psychological Distress due to Government Inaction on Climate Change was led by Bath University in the UK in collaboration with five other universities and the Climate Psychiatry Alliance. It took in the views of some 10,000 16 to 25-year-olds across 10 different countries 2021.

Recommended Reading

Weintrobe, S. (2021) Psychological Roots of the Climate Crisis, London, Bloomsbury

October 2021 edition of Therapy Today dedicated to black psychotherapy pioneers

November 2021 edition of Therapy Today dedicated to Climate Change

Macy, J. & Brown, M. (2019) Coming Back to Life, Gabriola Island, New Society Publishers

Rozcak, T, Gomes M. E., Kanner, A. D. (1995) Ecopsychology, Restoring the Earth, Healing the Mind, Berkeley, Counterpoint

BACP members please join the Ecotherapy Communities of Practice forum on the BACP website

Climate Psychology Alliance website for articles and book list, climate cafes and events

Time: 9.30am to 5.00pm (arrive 9.00 for coffee)

Venue: Banbury Counselling Academy

8 North Bar
OX16 0TB

Fee: £110 which includes a healthy lunch. Please let us know if you have any dietary requirements. You can book using your card over the phone by ringing the Banbury Therapy Centre reception on 01295 231320 or you can book online by clicking the button below. On receipt of your order we will send you further information and joining instructions.

Please note if you cancel within one month of the training day, Banbury Therapeutic Training will be unable to refund the cost of the course. If there are insufficient registrations for the workshop, or if for any reason the event cannot proceed due to circumstances beyond our control (such as the facilitator or venue becoming unavailable), BTT reserves the right to cancel or postpone the workshop. In this instance, we would aim to provide you with as much notice as possible, and offer a credit note to transfer to another BTT course within 6 months from the date of issue.I offer training for qualified counsellors and those in training. I set up and ran a training school for counsellors within a further education college and have trained and supported counsellors for twenty years. For colleges, I have designed and facilitated counselling skills training for non-counsellors and professional training for counsellors from L2 through to L4 Diploma in Therapeutic Counselling accredited by the CPCAB.
For bookings please go to website:

CPD topics include the following:

  • The You and Me Stuff: Working together as a therapeutic team
  • Working with Dreams
  • Using Creativity in Clinical Practice
  • Subpersonality Work
  • An Introduction to Working with Couples
  • How to utilise the Drama Triangle
  • Developing Self-compassion
  • An Introduction to Working with the Transpersonal
  • How to Facilitate Groups
  • Training the Trainer

    Workshop Descriptions - Please email if you would like to register for the following:

    Subpersonalities - Working with the people inside us

    Saturday 27 February 2021 at The Banbury Centre

    'What we are talking about here is freedom, and the absence of compulsive fear. Instead of finding ourselves pushed around by our own processes, we are free to choose among them.' (Maher,1978: 505)

    Subpersonality work is deeply transformational as it releases us from habitual patterns of behaviour. We all have a number of personalities that express themselves in different situations. Recognising them is a voyage of self-discovery that helps us to improve our relationships with others.

    In her poem, House of Changes, Jeni Couzyn describes her body as being ‘a wide house a commune’ bustling with different characters. In the final verse she states how she is, one by one, ‘making friends with them all’. This workshop is an invitation to get to know your own subpersonalities.

    Throughout the day, you will learn how subpersonality theory can help clients who seem stuck or resistant to change. This approach enables those who feel overwhelmed with emotions or thoughts to move forward and make choices. It especially empowers those who feel at the mercy of their self-saboteur.

    The day will begin with a short lecture to explain the theory, based on John Rowan’s work, followed by experiential exercises to explore our own subpersonalities. The work is energising as we use creativity, masks, movement, drama, and dialogue to enhance our self-understanding.

    In the final part of the day, through peer supervision discussion, you will discover ways to apply what you have learnt within your own practice.

    Recommended reading:

    The People Inside Us by John Rowan

    Dreams at Play

    Online Group: Dates to be released

    This experiential group introduces approaches and techniques to enhance therapeutic change. A dream is like a poem that reaches beyond our everyday knowing. Dreams ignite the imagination through story, picture, and metaphor. They tap into the wisdom of the body, bypassing prejudice. Dreams show us where we are afraid to let go. Their energy moves us towards a deeper connection with ourselves and others. When we work with the dream body we work holistically, using creativity and a sense of play. Through compassionately sharing our dreams we will explore the collective and individual dynamics of this work.

    The workshop will include:
  • An exploration of why we dream
  • History of dream work in different cultures
  • The benefit of dream work
  • Tapping into the unconscious
  • Feeling the dream
  • Subpersonality Theory and dreams
  • Healing and creativity
  • Integrating hidden aspects of self
  • Drawing and dialoguing with dream symbols
  • Collective Dreaming

    If you currently do not remember your dreams you are most welcome to attend as this workshop will explore new ways of capturing your dreams.

    Please bring paper, crayons, colouring pencils or pens and an open-heart to experiment and play.

    Suggested Reading

    Williams, S. K., (1984) The Dreamwork Manual, UK, Aquarian Press
    Shohet, R. (1985) Dream Sharing, Wellingborough, Turnstone Press

    How I deliver training

    I have worked as a trainer for 33 years in workplace settings across all three sectors. I design and facilitate bespoke courses for small and large groups.

    Areas of expertise include teamwork, leadership, conflict transformation and cultural change for counsellors and non-counsellors.
    I have also designed and delivered stress and resilience workshops within the private sector, charities, and educational settings. For colleges, I have designed and facilitated counselling skills training for non-counsellors and professional training for counsellors from L2 through to L4 Diploma in Therapeutic Counselling accredited by the CPCAB.

    I write and deliver CPD events for counsellors including Working with Dreams, Using Creativity in Therapeutic Practice; The You and Me Stuff- Working as a Team Outside the Therapy Room; How to Facilitate Groups.
    From Relationship work, I run groups for couples to Learn to Argue Well; Helping You to Use the Drama Triangle; Starting with Self-Love.

    Supervision Practice description

    As a supervisor I have worked with a variety of humanistic supervisees since 1991. My core practice is person-centred. I can help with individual and couple case work as I am also an experienced Relationship Therapist. I offer supervision to experienced counsellors as well as those in training. As I have trained counsellors, I understand the demands on trainees. I can help you to gain clarity in formulating your model and finding your unique style. Concession rates are available.

    My practice is integrative, humanistic-transpersonal. I integrate the Transpersonal and Transactional Analysis alongside Systemic principles. I am confident in supervising integrative practitioners or those who are person-centred or transpersonal.

    My supervision style is heart-centred and pluralistic, focusing on the supervisees needs and adapting to their unique way of working in a person-centred way. Developing a professional relationship of mutual respect will provide your clients with safety and best outcome. Looking after the supervisees needs and valuing their self-expression is a key focus. I may use creativity, in a way that suits you, to stretch and challenge and help you when you are stuck. Supervision will be the place for you to be authentic, to celebrate, feel supported and reflect, and reinvigorate your practice.

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